Tuesday, August 23, 2016

October 2016: 'Made You Up' by Francesca Zappia

Andrea has picked "Made You Up" by Francesca Zappia for our October 2016 book.

"I'm going to pick a YA novel that looks fun (and is hopefully a quick read!)," she explained.

Reality, it turns out, is often not what you perceive it to be—sometimes, there really is someone out to get you. For fans of Silver Linings Playbook and Liar, this thought-provoking debut tells the story of Alex, a high school senior—and the ultimate unreliable narrator—unable to tell the difference between real life and delusion.

Alex fights a daily battle to figure out what is real and what is not. Armed with a take-no-prisoners attitude, her camera, a Magic 8 Ball, and her only ally (her little sister), Alex wages a war against her schizophrenia, determined to stay sane long enough to get into college. She's pretty optimistic about her chances until she runs into Miles. Didn't she imagine him? Before she knows it, Alex is making friends, going to parties, falling in love, and experiencing all the usual rites of passage for teenagers.

But Alex is used to being crazy. She's not prepared for normal. Can she trust herself? Can we trust her?
Francesca Zappia lives in Indiana, majors in Computer Science at the University of Indianapolis, and still isn't sure exactly how that happened. She spends most of her time writing, reading, drawing, watching anime, and playing way too much Pokémon. Some of her stories have nice neat endings, and others don't have very neat endings at all.

You can find her on Twitter @ChessieZappia, Tumblr (exeuntstormtroopers.tumblr.com), and on her website, www.francescazappia.com.

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