Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Discussion questions: Ice Twins

1) There is a terrible dilemma at the heart of this novel that leads to the question – what would you do?
2) There is a suggestion of a supernatural element to this story – do you believe in ghosts?
3) The novel is packed with twists and turns – examine how the author creates suspense.
4) Discuss the ending of the novel? What do you think has happened and what do you think that life holds for the characters in the future?

1. What is the effect of hearing the story from both Angus and Sarah’s point of view?

2. How are the settings of both London and the island of Eileen Torran used in the story?

3. What role does the weather play in the narrative?

4. How important is the dog, Beanie, in the story?

5. Discuss the significance of reflections throughout the novel.

6. Do your feelings about Angus and Sarah shift throughout the novel? If so, why did they change?

7. Did you question which twin had died?

8. What do you think happened to Sarah at the end of the novel?

9. Aside from the setting, what makes this thriller a chilling read?

10. What did you enjoy most or least about The Ice Twins?

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